Getting Outside

Getting Outside in Recovery
Recovering from an addiction to drugs or alcohol, along with the myriad of co-occurring mental health disorders that may accompany the process, can create an overpowering sense of loneliness. You may be tempted to hide from the world as you process the path of recovery in its entirety. Since it is important to establish a safe space for when difficulties and urges arise during recovery, it can help to get outside. Getting outside isn’t just a reference to your comfort zone; getting outdoors and experiencing the sun and fresh air that awaits in the wilderness can help you establish a safe space.
Freshening up the Mind
In the same way that you may feel bad after eating a poorly balanced meal, you can also feel bad when you have a lack of fresh air. Staying inside means that you are constantly breathing the same, stagnant air. Simply getting outside and breathing fresh air can be very healthy for you, and can be exceedingly helpful in keeping a fresh mindset as well. You may be nervous about getting outside and experiencing the larger world at any given time.
However, simply taking a walk around your neighborhood can help you get the necessary fresh air, without worrying about straying too far from where you feel safe. A fresh mind can help you expel stress that may be building up inside. Stress and isolation are key factors that contribute to someone relapsing. Getting outside and experiencing the outdoors can be a way to better prevent the chance of relapse.
Physical Benefits
Getting outside often comes packaged with a degree of physical activity. This can take any number of forms, even down to the simple act of mowing the lawn or walking a dog. Either way, getting comfortable with going outside leads to a degree of physical exercise. Keeping a healthy body and a healthy mind are intricately linked with each other.
Feeling good about your body by way of exercise is one way of improving your own self-image. Keeping a confident mindset and having something to constantly be proud of is important in continuing motivation through recovery. The need to get moving may also rekindle an interest in a certain activity or sport, and create a bridge to practicing the social aspects of the recovery process.
Finding a Community Outdoors
Getting outside opens a number of different options for getting socially active, as it creates a path to other people. It also gives you opportunities to connect with others and helps you maintain a healthy lifestyle at the same time. Joining a sports venue can help you keep a consistent schedule, but even activities like meeting fellow dog owners at a dog park can serve the same purpose. These opportunities can help you address multiple dimensions of your recovery process in a healthy outlet by exercising self-care skills, working toward physical health, socializing, and using learned social skills.
Breaking Down Barriers
Simply getting outside to take a walk during recovery can yield many benefits in your day-to-day life. Even though you may feel safe within your own home, physical walls separating you from the outside world can make you feel isolated and can cause difficulties in the recovery process. You can explore the outdoors to find a place in nature that makes you feel safe.
Getting outside involves allowing yourself to break your reservations about a change of scenery, in order to experience something more. You can make simple actions and create a new mindset for yourself. If you are willing to take a leap of faith and try something new, you can potentially make progress in your path to recovery from addiction.
While having a safe space at home is important, it is also important to step out beyond that space in order to confront new opportunities and methods of healing. You can try finding new safe spaces outdoors, where you can breathe fresh air and clear your mind. Seeing this practice in action can further create positive connotations with leaving your comfort zone and implementing a holistic style of healing.
Find a Safe Outdoor Space
Getting outside is a simple action, but it can seem difficult at the moment if you are dealing with the more difficult days in recovery. It can be difficult to muster the energy and motivation to get outside and breathe fresh air. However, ignoring the outdoors during recovery can quickly turn your home into a place that carries feelings of entrapment, both physically and mentally.
Getting outside is an essential way to keep moving forward with a clear mindset. Exploring the outdoors provides a number of opportunities for self-care and social interaction when needed. You can discover different available options, from joining a sports club for socialization to taking a refreshing hike by yourself.
Recovering from addiction and coping with the co-occurring mental health disorders that accompany the difficult times is a huge task. Brighton Recovery Center is there to help you if you need help in taking that first step on your own personal journey. Specializing in addressing the holistic nature of recovery through both addiction and co-occurring disorders, Brighton creates an environment where each person can address their specific troubles. With a large, comprehensive campus, Brighton focuses on involvement and community as core values of recovery and provides many options for people looking to get physically active in a safe, judgment-free environment. For more information on how Brighton Recovery Center can help you through your own journey, call today at (844) 479-7035.