Alcohol Recovery in Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah

Oftentimes the road to alcohol addiction is long. Drinking alcohol might start out as an occasional social activity and pick up in frequency over time. Becoming addicted to alcohol is insidious that way. Eventually, you may find yourself alone, scared and hopeless. Don’t despair. Rehab for alcoholics at Brighton Recovery Center is just a phone call away.

What Is Alcohol Addiction?

Many times people wonder if they need alcohol detox. Some say they could give alcohol up, they just don’t want to. Although the indicators for whether you need alcoholic rehab are many and varied, the surest sign is that you have hurt or disappointed someone you love due to your drinking.

Often the loved ones of alcoholics are angry because they believe the alcoholic has chosen drinking over them. But by the time the addiction gets to that point, the alcoholic no longer has a choice. They have lost control of their drinking. Their friends and family may refuse to see or talk to them. They may lose their job, their house, their car, their health. And still they drink.

What Help Is Available Under Alcohol Addiction Recovery?

At our alcoholism treatment center in Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah we employ a team of professionals to help you overcome your addiction to alcohol. When you are accepted into our inpatient program, you will see a medical doctor on a weekly basis. Your first visit to the doctor will be your baseline, and they will check your weight, blood pressure, heart rate and other body systems. As you continue your alcohol treatment and recovery program, the doctor will look for changes and improvements.

An important part of our philosophy at our alcohol rehabilitation center is that much of addiction is rooted in pre-existing mental health conditions. Psychiatrists evaluate patients and make dual diagnoses when appropriate.

Trained, licensed therapists will work with you and your family several times a week. They will help you uncover the reasons behind your addiction in addition to teaching you recovery and coping strategies.

Other professionals on staff include nurses, addiction counselors, nutritionists, and fitness, yoga and meditation instructors.

What Can I Expect from Alcoholic Rehab Center at Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah?

Your alcohol rehabilitation program may start with an alcohol detox at our luxury detox in Salt Lake City. During this time, you will be attended to by our professional staff — you are not alone in your fight. Alcohol detoxes may take from five to 10 days, after which you will join our residential addiction treatment program at Salt Lake City or at Ogden.

Here, you will stay for 45 to 90 days under the care of our professional, compassionate team. Besides receiving the evaluation, counseling and treatment sessions you need, you will participate in new and healthy lifestyle activities. These include getting exercise indoors or outside in Utah’s stunning beautiful surroundings, taking meditation and breathing lessons, and eating nutritious food prepared by our in-house chef.

Post-Rehab for Alcoholics

Your stay in our residential treatment program will be followed up with outpatient services and ongoing support. Your long-term success depends on your dedication to continued vigilance against temptation for relapse. Contact our alcoholism treatment centers in Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah today.

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We’re Here to Help

Our mission at Brighton Recovery Center is to provide the best physical, emotional, and spiritual care for our patients and their families.