Why Do Some People Become Addicted While Others Do Not?

Why Do Some People Become Addicted While Others Do Not?

Becoming addicted to drugs or alcohol has many negative consequences. However, not everyone has  addictive tendencies. Certain factors tend to influence whether or not someone will become hooked on a certain substance. If you or a loved one is suffering and is ready for addiction treatment, Brighton Recovery Center can help.

Biological Vulnerability

It has been determined that your biological make-up has a big influence on your addiction vulnerability. Genetics play a big role, with researchers finding that sons whose fathers abuse alcohol have an almost four times increased risk of also developing an alcohol addiction. Work is also being done in regards to locating genetic abnormalities in the brains of addicts that show changes in the systems that control dopamine. This would help explain why addicts are always searching for their next dopamine high. Other biological factors such as mental disorders, ethnic make-up, and gender also tend to affect an individual’s propensity to gravitate towards the abuse of alcohol and drugs.

Developmental Stages

The age at which someone starts using drugs tends to affect future addict tendencies. Younger individuals seem to be more vulnerable, as their abilities to make judgments and smart decisions are not yet fully developed. While drug addiction can happen at any age, juveniles are more susceptible especially if there are other factors, such as genetics, involved.


The environment that one is in tends to affect addiction susceptibility as well. This includes a person’s socioeconomic status, the amount of stress they are under, pressure from others and how they were raised. Studies show that many addicts have challenges self-regulating their mood, which is a learned function at a young age. These people express that one or both parents were emotionally cold, under protective and not likely to offer encouragement. These people may also find less pleasure in relationships and work. As a result, they look towards drugs and alcohol to give them a needed boost in feel-good emotions, which quickly becomes a never-ending cycle until they are ready for help.

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