Recovery Soapbox
By April 27, 2017October 21st, 2023No Comments

Randall Carlisle – Recovery Soapbox Episode 4

We are honored to have Randall Carlisle on this episode of Recovery Soapbox. Randall Carlisle is a well known Anchor who has been on radio and television for 51 years. For many of those years, Randall struggled with alcoholism. In this episode Randall discusses his journey, stigma, self-perception, and much more.

You can subscribe to the audio version on iTunes, Google PlayStitcher, Soundcloud, and Libsyn.

Music for the podcast was provide by Michael Kelsey

rehab center in utah podcast with Randall Carlisle

Being sober is better than being drunk and for the first time in my life I’m confident with or without that TV job. Randall Carlisle

At first I was hesitant to do this this sort of stuff because I thought people weren’t going to trust me or like me. People are going to think I’m a bum or a loser and to those people now I say, “Screw you.” Randall Carlisle

The Downtown Alliance did a piece on me and they wrote the story and sent it to me before it went to print and seeing the words, “Recovering Alcoholic” in print scared the hell out of me. Randall Carlisle

Randall has always called Salt Lake City, Utah his home. You can see him on Channel 4 news covering stories from a broad range of topics and from all across the state of Utah. Randall has learned to deal with alcoholism and live a fuller life as a sober man. We are extremely thankful for Randall’s willingness to talk about alcoholism and share his story. It is our hope that this episode will help even one alcoholic or drug addict to commit to the recovery process.

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