How Recovering Addicts Can Survive the Holidays
As the holiday season gets closer, many of your friends and family members may be looking forward to parties, gatherings and other occasions where food is plentiful and a variety of drinks are available. To those who are currently struggling with alcoholism, the holiday season can be one of the most challenging times of the year. If you’re committed to recovery, there are several things you can do to help make it easier to avoid the temptation of drinking this holiday season. That way, your commitment to addiction recovery can stay on target, and you can continue to make progress in your treatment.
Be Proactive
Before going to any party or family gathering, be prepared with a solid plan to help avoid drinking. You may need to volunteer to bring a festive non-alcoholic beverage to keep you away from alcoholic spirits. Be sure to also focus on the food offerings at the table, and sample plenty of dishes to keep yourself busy during the event and focused on recovery.
Understand Your Weaknesses
Next, understand the potential scenarios that could lead to drinking if you’re struggling with alcoholism. If you’re starting to feel tired, you may need to go home to get some sleep. When you’re hungry, get something to eat. If you’re bored at the party, focus on a new activity. Avoid attending events when you’re feeling anxious or upset, and learn how to refuse.
Get Support
Lastly, get support from a friend or family member. Ask someone who understands your commitment to addiction recovery to attend the party with you. Have them work with you to help hold you accountable for your actions. If no one is available to go with you, make sure you have your support system’s contact information ready and available if you need to talk at any point during the party.
When you’re ready to start the journey to overcome alcoholism and begin addiction recovery, contact Brighton Recovery Center. Find out how you can get on the road to recovery today.